
Jesus said, "let the little children come to me . . . "

Matthew 19:14

teaching our youngest about  Jesus

At First Presbyterian Church, we are here to serve all of God's children! We provide a fun and safe environment where children can learn, play, experience the love of Jesus, and begin their faith journey. Children are always welcome in Sunday worship, and we offer a children's "worship bag" with crayons and activity sheets, for those interested. Should you prefer, we also offer childcare during worship for infants through Pre-K. When it comes to childcare, safety is a top priority. All of our childcare staff and volunteers are trained and have completed background checks.

For kids Pre-K through 5th grade, we offer Sunday School at 9:30am led by our Director of Children's and Family Ministry, Molly Rambur. These groups meet to play board games, visit with one another, and share a devotion. This age group is also invited to the front of the Sanctuary during Sunday worship (10:30am) for a children's message, after which, they are welcome to join Molly in the Chapel for Bible lessons, crafts, and games.