Since 1891, First Presbyterian Church has been exploring what it means to follow Christ while serving the people of Norman. Since moving to our present location in the heart of Campus Corner, the community of dedicated disciples at First Presbyterian Church has committed to making our corner of the world more like the Kingdom of God. And when we talk about the Kingdom of God, we talk about things like love, justice, mercy, compassion, and reconciliation, with a fair bit of joy and laughter mixed in as well.
Meet Our Team

Rev. Michael East
Senior Pastor / Head of Staff
Michael has served at FPC Norman since 2018. Previous to Norman, Michael and his family lived in Columbia, SC, where he served as the Associate Pastor at Forest Lake Presbyterian Church. Michael is married to Katie, an Edmond native, and together they parent three amazing kiddos who can often be found running through the church atrium.
Michael holds degrees from Austin College in Sherman, TX, and Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, TX. When not at the church, Michael can often be found playing golf, at his son’s soccer practices, or singing along to Taylor Swift with his daughter.
Michael holds degrees from Austin College in Sherman, TX, and Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, TX. When not at the church, Michael can often be found playing golf, at his son’s soccer practices, or singing along to Taylor Swift with his daughter.

Rev. Carol Waters
Pastor for Faith Formation
Carol has been part of the staff of FPC Norman since May of 2022. Prior to moving here, she pastored for two years in a suburb of Houston, TX; First Presbyterian Church, Clinton, OK for 18 years; and First Presbyterian Church, Elk City, OK for 5 years. She's a native Texan though she has spent more time as an Okie! She graduated with a B.A. in English from the University of Texas and received an M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary in New York.
Carol is married to Mark Wesner, and between them, they have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. When not at church, she loves to read, garden and spend time with family and friends.
Carol is married to Mark Wesner, and between them, they have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. When not at church, she loves to read, garden and spend time with family and friends.

Molly Rambur
Dir. of Children's & Family Ministry

Dr. Thomas Dickey
Director of Music / Organist

Dr. Clark Kelly
Cheryl Patrick
Director Emeritus of Music
Finance / Business Manager

Emily Wilkins
Director of Operations

Gary McClure
Building & Grounds Supervisor
Chris Vasquez
Director of Communications
serving our congregation
Ruling elders, together with ministers of word and sacrament, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation as well as the whole church.
Amy Davenport
Scott Davis
John Dmytryk
Rhonda George
Lee Williams
Scott Davis
John Dmytryk
Rhonda George
Lee Williams
Jean Cate
Natasha Graf
Alan Herrman
Linda Price
Jean Leidner
Natasha Graf
Alan Herrman
Linda Price
Jean Leidner
Melissa Gill
Michael Marcotte
Charlie Marshall
Nancy Matthews
Ruth Jackson
Michael Marcotte
Charlie Marshall
Nancy Matthews
Ruth Jackson
Deacons are called to a ministry of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry,
the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.
the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.
Barbara Burlingame
Kim Ray
Kathy Taber
Kim Ray
Kathy Taber
Emily Clifton
Joshua George
Nolonda Sobel
Linda Tiller
Joshua George
Nolonda Sobel
Linda Tiller
David Duty
James Kruger
Randy McGuire
Judith Pender
Gay Wakeland
James Kruger
Randy McGuire
Judith Pender
Gay Wakeland
The session has delegated responsibility for the financial and legal affairs of the church to the trustees.
The trustees monitor the budget and claim the first line of responsibility for our facilities as well.
The trustees monitor the budget and claim the first line of responsibility for our facilities as well.
CLASS of 2025
CLASS of 2026
CLASS of 2027
Amy Davenport
Joe Foote
Joe Foote
Jean Leidner
Mark Wesner
Mark Wesner
Ruth Jackson
Jan Meadows
Jan Meadows

Our doors are open to all.
First Presbyterian Church is a welcoming congregation for all! We are a proud congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA).