“What does it mean to live the Christian life faithfully and well and how can we help one another to do so?”
(Craig Dykstra, Growing in the Life of Faith: Education and Christian Practices, Second Edition)
These are the questions we ask when it comes to forming our faith. We won’t tell you what to believe. Instead, FPC Norman provides a variety of opportunities and resources to help develop each person’s faith in God during each stage of life. From birth to death, we’ll accompany you on your own faith journey, encouraging and equipping you to find the deeper questions that lead to a deeper relationship with God. From classes for all ages to worship to small groups to mission opportunities to fellowship, we provide engaging practices to help point to the grace of God in our every day, ordinary lives. Curiosity is the only requirement!
(Craig Dykstra, Growing in the Life of Faith: Education and Christian Practices, Second Edition)
These are the questions we ask when it comes to forming our faith. We won’t tell you what to believe. Instead, FPC Norman provides a variety of opportunities and resources to help develop each person’s faith in God during each stage of life. From birth to death, we’ll accompany you on your own faith journey, encouraging and equipping you to find the deeper questions that lead to a deeper relationship with God. From classes for all ages to worship to small groups to mission opportunities to fellowship, we provide engaging practices to help point to the grace of God in our every day, ordinary lives. Curiosity is the only requirement!

The Presbyterian Women commit themselves to, 1) nurture their faith through prayer and Bible study, 2) support the mission of the church worldwide, 3) work for justice and peace, and 4) build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's Kingdom. There are currently four Presbyterian Women's Circles, or groups, at FPC. These groups meet monthly, fall-spring, and provide support to the church through various missions and ministries. The Circles are open to new members, and FPC invites all adult women to participate!
Music plays an instrumental role in our worship services. We sing from hymnals and embrace a more traditional Christian genre. Our music ministry is led by Dr. Thomas Dickey, Director of Orchestral Studies at Oklahoma State University, and includes a Chancel Choir, Chancel Bells, soloist singers, and instrumental musicians. All are invited to share their musical gifts and talents at FPC.

The Chancel Choir is open to adults and sings during the Sunday worship service at 10:30am, with a break typically over summer. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings in the choir room. Love to sing? Join our choir!

Our Chancel Bells are lovely to hear and create a glorious backdrop for all of our special occasions. If you like to ring, or would like to try your hand at ringing, look no further - we'd love to have you! Bells practice Wednesdays 5:30-6:30pm.

Our music ministry includes the use of soloists and instrumentalists in worship and special services. We are always welcoming of shared musical talents!
If you sing or play an instrument, come check us out!
If you sing or play an instrument, come check us out!

“…God’s work in creation is too wonderful, too ancient, too beautiful, too good to be desecrated… Restoring creation is God’s own work in our time, in which God comes both to judge and to restore…”
—PC(USA) Environmental Policy
FPC is an "Earth Care Congregation," as recognized by PC USA, for our commitment to the “Earth Care Pledge” and actions taken toward caring for God’s earth in four areas of ministry: worship, education, facilities, and outreach. The Earth Care Team works to continue the church's commitment to supplemental efforts to care for God's creation throughout our congregation and in our community. The primary goal of Earth Care Team members is to encourage and document the growing interest in environmental awareness by our congregation members. The Earth Care Team also reaches out to other Christian denominations within our community to connect and discuss how they too care for God's creation. The Earth Care Team continues to emphasize recycling and reuse of single-use containers/materials and other waste products. The Earth Care Team welcomes any and all to join their efforts!
—PC(USA) Environmental Policy
FPC is an "Earth Care Congregation," as recognized by PC USA, for our commitment to the “Earth Care Pledge” and actions taken toward caring for God’s earth in four areas of ministry: worship, education, facilities, and outreach. The Earth Care Team works to continue the church's commitment to supplemental efforts to care for God's creation throughout our congregation and in our community. The primary goal of Earth Care Team members is to encourage and document the growing interest in environmental awareness by our congregation members. The Earth Care Team also reaches out to other Christian denominations within our community to connect and discuss how they too care for God's creation. The Earth Care Team continues to emphasize recycling and reuse of single-use containers/materials and other waste products. The Earth Care Team welcomes any and all to join their efforts!
Time spent together in fellowship fills the heart, strengthens the soul, and creates lasting bonds. We currently have a Yoga Small Group and Walking Small Group. These groups gather for a bit of healthy activity and fellowship. If this sounds like a good fit for you, then all you have to do is show up! The Yoga Small Group meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and the Walking Small Group meets Wednesdays and Saturdays. Please check the calendar on our "Events" tab for times. All are welcome!
We also encourage the formation of new small groups. Fellowship through shared interests is an easy way to meet others, cultivate new relationships, and grow in faith!
We also encourage the formation of new small groups. Fellowship through shared interests is an easy way to meet others, cultivate new relationships, and grow in faith!

The men of First Presbyterian Church meet throughout the year for breakfast, to discuss life, and share in their faith journeys. This informal gathering offers all men of FPC an opportunity to spend time with other men of faith in a setting outside the church. They typically meet once a week at a local restaurant to enjoy each other's company. They welcome all men to join for a shared meal, good conversation, and cultivation of new friendships.